Wednesday, April 28, 2010


syukur alhamdulillah..semuanya berjalan lancar. my mak tercinta selamat menjalani pembedahan matanya. Hope everything will be fine soon. all my siblings were there accept abang long. tak apalah may be dia sibuk kat tempat keje baru. sekarang ni mak stay kat umah mak andak. actually mak rasa selesa kat sana sebab ada orang temankan dia setiap hari. tq pada kak anja yg tolong bagi opah makan obat. Mak andak pun telah melakukan pengorbanan yg besar dengan menjaga mak sepangjang masa ni. semoga Allah membalas segala jasanya. myself can't do anything sbb rumah pun jauh. dapat jenguk2 mcm tu jer..semoga mak tak kecil hati. teringin nak ajak mak tinggal kat rumah..tak taulah mak nak ke tak?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

actually hari nie..kitorang buat surprise farewell for uncle Matt since dia nak terbang by tomorrow noon. but then..he called us up and said that he will not be in the office for the last day here due to not in good condition. he got flue...akhirnya we all makan sendirilah segala macam food tu. penat je I rushing pegi beli kek. we all also tempah the mee and makan sendirilah masing2..:(...apalah bos ni..nak celebrate dia pun susah..hope he will be fine later

Friday, April 9, 2010

5 sec.....

wow..lamanya tak update. bz project just came in. So no excuse..we have to rush in very limited time. no expanding time or we have to pay on delaying. so..we have to accept the environmental when we are working in small company. ape2 je lah..huhh. not much story happened lately. everything goes normal. my children like always..everyday have to control, to make sure they do not do the bad things. Semoga Allah memberi mereka perlindungan..jangan sampai melakukan benda2 negatif itu...Ya Allah ..lindungilah mereka...aamiiin